Team Fortress 2 is a multiplayer game. All the character of Team Fortress 2 is funny. So it is widely known as a comedy game. According to its website, it is free to play. The Team Fortress 2 Comedy Game is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The game is based on drama, comics, movies, and action. As a cloud game lover, you will love Team Fortress 2.
Team Fortress 2 (tf2)
TF2 or Team Fortress 2 is a multiplayer team-based first-person shooter game. In 1996, it was the sequel for Quake, and in 1999 it remakes Team Fortress classic.
In October 2007, it released part of the video game bundle “The Orange Box”. Team Fortress was released for Windows as a standalone entry in April 2008, OS X in June 2010, and Linux in February 2013.
Rules of Fortress 2
All the players of Fortress 2 join one of two teams. Each team consists of nine characters fighting in various game modes. It includes capturing the king as well as the flag of the hill.
The expansion is controlled by Robin Walker and John Cook, makers of the unique Team Fortress. Proclaimed in 1998, the game once had more genuine, militaristic pictures and gameplay, but this altered over the extended nine-year development.
Game Modes of Team Fortress 2
There are many core game modes in Team Fortress 2. It includes the fighting of blue and red teams. They fight against each other to steal the intelligence and return to their base. On the other hand, each team must protect their privacy.
If the team player dropped for any reason, like dying or even manually drop the other intelligence will pull him after 1 minute. Then the dropped player will return to the original location or until picked up again by an opponent player. Intelligence will face the enemy team. If the former team arrest the intelligence three times wins.
Fortress 2 as the Competitive Game
Fortress 2 is played competitively over various leagues. In 2017, the North American league, ESEA, supports a paid Team Fortress 2 league. The prize value was $42,000 for the top teams. Team Fortress 2 is played competitively in one of three main game modes.
Control Points
Control Points is a game mode. There are some control points laid around the map, normally 3 or 5. To win, it needs to capture all the control points within the time limit. The time limit can rearrange on the arrest of a control point by either team. If Attack/Defend contains the BLU team trying to capture all RED teams capture points within a time limit. RED cannot reduce a point after BLU has taken it.
Trading Items
In TF 2, players can do trade exchange with other users for articles such as cosmetics, weapons, weapon skins, and utilities. Arms and utilities can modify and affect gameplay in dissimilar ways, the main being; some arms have different stats than others and thus permits a dissimilar playstyle. On the other hand, cosmetic articles do not change gameplay and change the player’s in-game appeal’s look.
Critical Acclaim of Team Fortress 2
TF 2 acknowledged well-known critical acclaim, with overall scores of 92/100 on Metacritic. Many critics acclaimed the cartoon-style graphics and the resulting light-hearted gameplay.
The use of dissimilar personalities and presences for the classes overwhelmed several critics with PC Gamer. The game modes were established well, and Game Pro designated the settings as concentrating “on just simple fun.”
Team Fortress 2 has acknowledged some rewards exclusively for its multiplayer gameplay and its graphical style. But some critics commended Valve for the map “Hydro” and its efforts to make a game mode with diversity in each map. Extra admiration was given to the game’s level design, game stability, and teamwork promotion.
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Team Fortress 3 (tf3)
Fortress 2 and Team Fortress 3 are both from the family. Tf2 and tf3 both are wonderful games. But the question is, which will be suitable for you. If you are a real gamer, you can find out the real change.
However, as a game reviewer, I will provide you some comparisons of Team Fortress 2 and Team Fortress 3. In the end, you will find the download link of tf2 and tf3.
Alternative of TF 2
There are thousands of online games as an alternative to this game. CS GO is one of them. You may choose cloud games online. Vortex Cloud gaming is another alternative to TF2. You cannot deny the fun of Rocket League games. Another alternative game of tf2 may be borderland 2. Gaming as a service is so popular now. As a result, you will find a thousand games available online. You can pick anyone as you wish.
Final Thought
TF2 is an awesome game. You can enjoy action, drama, movies, comics, and fun from that game. As it is a multiplayer game so you can play the game with your friends. Moreover, it’s a role-playing game.
The intelligence-based game can explore the gamer’s knowledge, experience, and personality. But spending too much time on the game is noxious. It may damage your study. However, I will not stop you from playing the splendid game. So, have fun with Team Fortress 2.