Top 20 Best Source Code Editor That A Programmer Must Know

Source Code is a fundamental component of a computer program. The programmer writes source code to develop any web or desktop application. To write and edit the source code, programmers use the Source Code editor. You can code and edit different programming languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, and many more by source code editor. Today we will discuss a comprehensive list of the best Source Code Editor that a Programmer Must Know.

Best Source Code Editor

To become a successful software engineer, you should have a good command of the different programming languages. The source code editor is only the tool to implement your dream. However, it would help if you had some archive of text code Editor. To enrich your list, we will provide an idea of the top 20 Best Source Code Editor.

1. Atom

Atom-Best Source Code Editor That A Programmer Must KnowAtom is a hackable text editor of the 21st century. It is a desktop-based web application that allows controlling your editor with CSS and other necessary features. Atom supports MAC OS, Linux, and Windows with various plugins. The first beta version was released on 25th June 2015.

Atom hackable text editor allows new and intermediate users to create their text editor without long programming experience. This open-source text editor is built with Node.js integration, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. It runs on an electron which is such a framework using cross-platform web technology.

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2. Sublime Text

sublimetextThe Python application programming interface Sublime Text is a proprietary cross-platform source code editor. Under a free software license, it supports many programming and markup language. This platform is a community-built platform by which users can add plugins.

Sublime Text is a super-fast editor. It has several features, so you will not switch to any other source code editor. Its multiple cursors allow you to do coding smoothly. The vintage mode of this editor is like the original Vim editor.

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3. Brackets

bracketsBrackets is another source code editor that primarily focuses on Wendy’s development. This open-source software is licensed under MIT MIT license. At present, Brackets is maintained by GitHub and another open-source developer.

Brackets is a modern, powerful, and lightweight text editor supported by an active, passionate community. Brackets focus on processor support and visual tools. It is an excellent platform for a web developer to create form and design up to the front end. You will enjoy its inline editor, live preview, and preprocessor support.

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4. Notepad++

notepad++Notepad++ is a free source code editor which supports several languages. It is governed by GPL License and run by Microsoft Windows environment. Notepad++ supports 27 programming language. Some other features include syntax highlighting and folding, searches a regular expression, synchronizing edits and views.

Notepad++ allows macro recording playback, drag N drop, multi-view, and many more. Don Hope invented it in 2003. Lifehacker, Stack Overflow, and many other famous websites recommended it as the best open-source text editor. Some user claims that there is still bugs and ugly interface of this editor software.

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5. RJ TextEd

rj textedRj TextEd is a Unicode-supported full-featured text editor having powerful web development editors like PHP, ASP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Some essential features include HTML validation, template, auto-completion, spell checking and CSS/HTML preview, annotation bar code folding.

RJ TextEd is also a web development tool. It uses a variety of techniques to highlight the system from the source. In editing source code, you can take the assistance of hints and auto-completion. You can edit multiple files with tabs. RJ TextEd is a combo mixer of CSS, file manager, and web browser.

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6. Crimson Editor

crimson editorCrimson Editor is a professional source code editor for Windows operating system. The size of this software is, so it is very fast in terms of loading. You can think it is an alternative to Notepad++ because it supports HTML, C, C++, Java, Perl, and LateX. Based on the custom syntax file, it can be loaded for another programming language. Crimson Editor has many other features like user tools, spell checker, undo, redo, etc.

Crimson Editor is a freeware source code and HTML editor. Some other features of Crimson Editor are tabbed document interface, syntax highlighting, bracket matching, and macros. The built-in calculator of this editor can evaluate the simple expression.

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7. EditPlus

editplusEditPlus is a highly influential and customizes able source code editor. It supports HTML, CSS, Perl, JavaScript, and VBScript by default. You also can use it as Java Compiler and editor. The FTP of this editor is used for uploading local files to the FTP server and edit remote files. Its hex viewer allows such hexadecimal data. Based on the line indentation, it supports fast and convenient code folding.

The HTML toolbar of EditPlus allows you to insert familiar syntax easily. Some other features of HTML include characters picker, table generator, and HTML color picker. It supports some user-defined tools. For example, if you double-click on the error file, you will find the problematic file.

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8. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code is a free and open-source text editor which supports all the operating systems. It goes beyond Syntax highlight to autocomplete with IntelliSense. It is also highly customizable to change the theme, preferences, and keyboard shortcut.

Visual Studio Code is a free editor for both personal and commercial use. Because of its unique features, it is considered one of the best html editors for windows. As a software developer, you may try this software.

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9. CoffeeCup HTML Editor

CoffeeCup HTML EditorIf you want to be a real software developer, CoffeeCup HTML Editor maybe your best friend. If you have this powerful text editor, you will feel empowered with its handy website components, intuitive tools like code completion, and rich tag references. In CoffeeCup, you can add structured data with a smooth workflow.

If you want to develop a search engine website, you should focus on the top priority of web content. CoffeeCup HTML Editor helps to organize all of your requirements. You can master the most refreshing language like PHP, Markdown, CSS 3, and HTML 5. With CoffeeCup HTML Editor, you can code with confidence.

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10. Coda

coda-Best Source Code Editor That A Programmer Must KnowCoda is one of the best open-source text editors, which is a powerful web development application. It is an FTP client, CSS maker, and text editor. It won the Apple design award for best user experience in its inception year 2007. Unfortunately, it is available only for MacOS and iOS.

Coda is also a commercial proprietary web application editor specialized for MAC OS. At present, coda 2 is available. Coda 2 has new features like Torch bar, speed, local indexing, plugins preferences, CSS overriding, and panic synchronization.

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11. BBEdit

bbeditBBEdit is a Mac OS-based source code editor. Bare Bones Software of the United States developed this proprietary text editor. It is the leading professional html text editor for Mac OS, which supports many features. This award-winning editor offers a lot of editing tools, source code, and textual data.

Unlike other free source code editing software, the BBEdit is not free of cost. Moreover, it exercises total control over the text. The intelligent interface of BBEdit provides some exciting features. Some features search and replace across multiple files, such as grep pattern matching, project definition tools, and a robust HTML markup tool.

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12. jEdit

jeditIf you are a mature programmer, then jEdit may be suitable for you. Since its inception, it has been best for many expensive code editors, but it is still free. This software is maintained by world -large developer teams. This program is written with Java, running on Mac OS, OS/2, Linux, Windows, and UNIX.

It is a highly configurable and customizable text editor. jEdit offers more than 100 macros and plugins. Those plugins can be downloaded from the plugin manager. It has the opportunity to highlight syntax for more than 200 languages. jEdit supports a large number of character encodings like Unicode and UTF8.

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13. Araneae

Source Code Editor araneaeAraneae is a simple and free text editor to code your programming. Using the latest technologies helps to create websites. Like another simple text editor, it also has some credentials. It supports syntax highlighting, HTML, CSS, XHTML, Rubi, PHP, Java and more. You can operate it on Windows OS.

Araneae may be a helpful but straightforward text editor. It supports drag and drops for images and files. On the other hand, the tabbed multi-document interface allows inserting customizable quick clips. It can be an alternative to any other html text editor.

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14. UltraEdit

Source Code Editor ultraeditUltraEdit is considered one of the best text editors, according to their website. It can do anything regarding programming. IDM Computer Solution was created in 1994. Since then, it has been operated as a commercial text editor for Microsoft Windows and Linux OS. It has some tools for macros like code folding, syntax highlighting, and macros.

UltraEdit is a highly customizable source code editor. With this, you can browse and edit files with a tab. Hex editing mode and Unicode is it’s another important feature. UltraEdit takes about 100 MB of your hard disk space for installation, but it has several HTML features. Customize tab in HTML, HTML toolbar preconfigured and integration with CSS HTML validator are some of them.

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15. BlueFish

bluefishIf you want to write the website script and programming code, BlueFish can be a good one. A blueFish is a multi-platform software that supports many operating systems of desktop and laptop. It supports many programming and markup language.

BlueFish is a freeware with a variety of tools to develop a dynamic website. It supports almost all the programming languages like HTML, xhtml, C, c++, XML, PHP, Java, Google Go, Vlad, and Ada. This excellent HTML editor translated into 17 different languages.

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16. ATPad

Source Code Editor atpadATPad is very simple and considered a notepad replacement. It has line numbering, a customize-able editor, and a tabbed environment. This HTML editor is written with C and Windows API. The other features include word wrapping, a list of recently opened documents, keeping the last session, and bookmarks.

ATPad display some white space on tab, space, and line breaks. Sending its documents through the Email system is possible. By your text snippets, you can create, edit, insert and delete any records.

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17. KompoZer

KompoZerKompoZer is a WYSIWYG HTML code editor which uses the Mozilla Composer codebase. It is a cross-platform cloud IDE editor that you mast like. Since 2005 it fixed many bags and added many useful features. The HTML editor is preserved in the SourceForge repository.

Previously, KompoZer was one of the best html code editors, but because of the competitive market, the appeal of KompoZer has reduced. Besides some demerits, it has many features to like this code editor. You may choose the CSS of KompoZer.

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18. Neovim

neovimNeovim is a vim-based hyperextensible text editor. API of this editor is first class, documented, discoverable, and visioned. Its remote plugins run as safely, asynchronously, and coprocesses. GUI, IDE, and web editor are also embedded with Neovim.

Many software developers recommended Neovim as a good PHP text editor. It is exactly what it claims to be. It is entirely suitable for Vim script language and vim editing model.

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19. Cudatext

Source Code Editor cudatextCudatext is a fully open-source text editor written in Lazarus. This cross-platform editor highlighted 180+ languages. Moreover, it has a light interface with a tab. Instead of options-dialogue, it has a JSON config file. This software also supports Python plugins.

CudaText editor support Windows OS, Linux, and MAC OS. The size of the software is 14 MB within Python. As a software developer, you can use this open-source, free cross-platform native GUI source code editor.

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20. Codeanywhere

Codeanywhere Cloud IDECodeanywhere is one of the best cloud IDE for Developers. It is a robust and flexible text editor. The productive developing environment will let you develop quicker any aristocrat web application.

Codeanywhere has 75 language syntax, code completion, lining, multiple cursors, Zen coding support, and many other features. Over 1.4 million users are already using this text editor.

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Final Thought

Unlike other software, it is not difficult to find out the best Source Code Editor. Since you are a software developer and you already have an idea regarding this. My article will be helpful for novice and inexpert developers. However, please let us know by comments if you find something unique or missing content regarding the code editor. We will love your profound suggestion.

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