Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing You Must Know

Cloud computing has evolved as the alternative to an on-premise system or traditional IT system to store data. Starting cloud computing is very easy as it has reduced the use of different costly equipment and human resources behind these. But, should you jump to this system? The term sounds smart and kind, but you should know the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing before switching to this system.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

In this article, I shall discuss the pros and cons of cloud computing shortly so that you get a clear idea about cloud computing before you jump from the on-premise system. I shall show the advantages of cloud computing and the disadvantages of cloud computing separately for better understanding and easy assimilation.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

The advantages of cloud computing may show less in numbers, as I have discussed below, but the practical application of this system will give much more benefits from these few discussed points. IT should motivate someone who wants to implement cloud from the on-premise or traditional IT system.

1. Easy to Implement

One of the main advantages of Cloud computing is, it is straightforward to implement and thus easy to use as well. If the time requires to implement cloud computing is about 6 to 7 weeks, then time will be 6-7 months taken by an on-premise system to be implemented. It would be best if you had a massive setup for an on-premise system like hardware, materials, human resources. But there is no burden of these things in Cloud computing.

2. Minimum IT Expense

Someone may ask how cloud computing minimizes the expense. One of the most significant advantages of cloud computing is that it is less expensive than on-premise technologies. In on-premise technology, you need to have a lot of infrastructure. To operate those, you also need a workforce to keep your system safe and secure, and you need to have some other means. So you need huge money to adopt on-premise technology as all of them demand money.

advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing cost effective

While you are adopting cloud computing, you don’t need to think about all these things, which will cost you a lot. The overall expense will directly go at the bottom. This discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing is the most critical point as it talks about the expense.

3. Competitive Advantage

At first, think of an on-premise process. If you are planning to adopt this process, you need to go through stakeholders, and then you need to get approval after building a business case. On support, you have to purchase the required technologies like software and related equipment. At the same time, you need a workforce to run and maintain them. So it will take a considerable time to disease and start with your traditional system.

Now, there is another person who has planned to adopt the Cloud system. He will not think about all these things mentioned above. To start his work, he will take a short time, and by the time you start doing your job, he will be ahead of you in competition though both of you have started at the same time. So, adopting cloud computing brings a competitive advantage.

4. Easy and Cost-effective Backup + Recovery

For the backup plan for your enterprise, you have two choices. One is the traditional IT process or the on-premise system, and another in the cloud. For the on-premise system, you have to keep your things in external storage; you have to generate an order so that your data either gets uploaded automatically or manually. Again, you have to maintain the backup so that it remains protected from destruction. Time, money, labor are all needed here.

easy recovery and backup not on-premise

One of the advantages of cloud computing is that the backup is super easy and cost-effective. You don’t have to think of managing a device or system for storing and updating your data. Cloud computing does it for you. You can control it with some fee according to the size of your recovery with some additional charge basing on time interval as planned by the vendor. Once the Backup is accessible and available, recovery is also easy during any disaster.

5. Easy Accessibility

Cloud computing is natural to access no matter where your location is. You do not need to carry any additional device to get access to the cloud. The only thing you need is the connection to the internet on your device like a laptop, mobile, or something similar to it. Cloud computing allows you to access it anytime you want. There is no time limit on it. Even if you are in space with an internet connection, you can access it anytime you want.

easy accessibility advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing

It also allows people to work who can not come to a workplace like disabled people. This is how the cloud is not only accessible irrespective of geographical location but also from any person who can handle electronics like a laptop, mobile, etc.

6. Increase In Productivity and Flexibility

Could computing can increase the productivity of your enterprise. This productivity comes due to the flexibility of cloud computing how it increases flexibility and results in more productivity. The increase is also mentionable, as the study says it increases productivity by 40%. All the points are interrelated. This is due to the ease of accessibility.

Think of doing your work in your home without going to the office. Suppose you are sick today, maybe a headache, and not in a mood to go to the office. So, you called your boss and said that you don’t want to come later after getting rid of the headache. Your boss might become angry and might not allow your desire. But once you have the facility of cloud computing, you can do the job in your home.

Here the flexibility of work time and place comes. You do not need to go to the office and do your job there. You can finish your job once you got rid of the pain and you can do it comfortably remaining in your home. Around 36% of people want to work remotely as it allows comfort, and they even accept a 10% cut of their pay for telecommuting. So, Cloud computing allows it for these people and thus increases flexibility by 47%, which ultimately increases productivity.

7. Consistency and Reliability

You can earn your reliability on cloud computing than the on-premise system due to its consistency in availability and performance. You will get the assurance of 74/7 throughout the year availability from the cloud provider, which tends to 100%. Even there is no tension of server failure as there is always a scope of transferring to another server.

8. No Hardware No Maintenance

Most of the previous points have covered that the implementation of cloud computing will provide relief from all hardware infrastructures and related mechanisms. In cloud computing, you do not need any additional hardware for uploading your data or browsing them. You need a device to use it. This helps you to delete the budget for buying other equipment and the tension of maintenance.

The traditional IT process requires many hardware and infrastructures. I have already mentioned before that you need to take care of these things if you have implemented this system. To take care of them, you have to have an additional workforce and put money on it. Thereby, cloud computing is advantageous as you have no tension of maintaining it like the way you need to do for the traditional one.

9. Easy Sharing

When you want to share any file or any material with anyone, you have to consider a few things like the size of the data, means for sending the data, speed of your internet and speed of the recipient internet, etc. Cloud computing relieves you from all these tensions and allows you to share your files with just a link. You need to copy the relationship of the data from your cloud and then share it with your desired one. That’s so simple.

easy sharing

10. Infinite Storage

If you are running a big company or enterprise, you need a huge storage capacity to store your data. At the same time, with time, you need to expand the storage as data will increase with time. If you are using a traditional IT system, you need to increase the size of your storage and maintenance system of those additional memories.

infinite storage on-premise vs cloud

In cloud storage, you don’t need to think of these. You add some extra fees and get your desired space to keep your data. The limit of storage in cloud computing tends to infinity. But you never have to bother about introducing any extra hardware or memory for that. I consider this one of the most vital points in this discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

The disadvantages of cloud computing, as discussed below, may look bigger in number, but most of these have better solutions for avoiding harm from the difficulties. However, these disadvantages will alert the risk of cloud computing for those who are planning to switch to the cloud from the on-premise system or traditional IT system.                           

1. Unexpected Service Outages

In the advantages of cloud computing, I have often mentioned that this system does not require any hardware infrastructure. It needs an internet connection. So, if for any unforeseen or unwanted reason you lose the relationship of the internet, you will not be able to get access to your data regardless of your browsing device strength. So, you need to maintain a continuous flow of internet to your devices.

2. Unexpected Data Access

An organization that has kept its vital data which demands a high-security level, will always have the tension of being attacked by hackers. You still will hear the security level provided by the provider but will never come to know how effective it is unless you or someone else is attacked. An unexpected data access may cause severe damage to any organization.

unexpected data access on-promise vs cloud computing

3. Choosing Dilemma

One of the most significant disadvantages of cloud computing is the choosing dilemma. You have to think of many issues like a storage facility, privacy, security, fee, renewal fee, and many more. But, can one single provider make you satisfied with all the issues you are concerned about? It’s improbable.

So you have to go for a massive calculation for the best matching according to your demand. Maybe you will get some of them very suitable for you and some of them moderately suitable. You need to calculate then which thing you need most, and if you compromise one section, then how vulnerable will that be. Deciding this will be very tough as all the sectors are always important.

4. Converted Enemies

I think this point is significant among all the discussions of the topic advantages and disadvantages. Maybe you have a very secure platform for your company’s cloud computing, but for any unforeseen, you have to remove some of your employees from their position. It may happen that that employee had been holding a significant appointment of your company.

converted enemy

Now, if that very particular employee has an evil intention and tuns to your enemy, then there is a big possibility that his stupid works will attack you. Maybe your platform is too robust, but his knowledge is too in-depth on your platform, mainly as he dealt with those. If he even fails to breach, his attempts will at least bother you many times.

5. Dependency on the Providers for Solution

As cloud computing is a technical matter, so there will be technical issues that you need to solve either frequently or after a long interval. But you will be helpless if you are using the cloud because the only cloud providers are the solution providers. There is nothing in your hand. Some of the providers do not solve problems at any time of the day. So, you have to keep waiting until that time if you have chosen that provider.

6. Lack of Trust

You can’t say how effective is the security system of any provider as you have not tested it in any way. Otherwise, there is no option of testing unless you see the example of any victim. However, you will have to keep many important and sensitive data in the cloud, which you never dream of compromising. And if you are using a Saas provider, you are much more vulnerable than using a hosted provider. So it is very tough to trust and choose a provider.

7. Migration Difficulties

Once you are set with one provider, then it is tough to shift to another one. It would be best to have legal constraints, substantial costs, and technical incompatibilities before you go for a change in a vendor. Once you try to shift the vendor, you have to consider many things. The systems, applications, and other related items you are using might not work well with the new provider. So, there are difficulties if you want to change vendor. Vendor lock-in is one of the disadvantages of cloud computing.

8. Internal Enemy

I have discussed the converted enemies. What if you have a person working inside but doing nuisance that you can’t notice. This will be a huge issue if you don’t see this loss that has been caused by the inside. If the damage is gradual and smaller, that will be very serious because you won’t understand it in one day, but someday you will fall from the sky. This can be one of the serious disadvantages of cloud computing.

internal enemy on-premise vs traditional

9. Future Expenses

In the advantages of cloud computing, I have mentioned the cost-effectiveness of cloud computing. Now we need to dig deeper into this case. In that part, I have explained that if you start from the very beginning without shifting from the traditional IT system, then the expense will be less. That was the comparative cost-effectiveness of two orders if you start from the beginning.

Now, if you already have an on-premise IT system and you want to shift, then you have to go for an expensive rewrite of your software that you had been using on the on-premise system. Otherwise, those will not work in the cloud system. Again, initially, the cost for establishing cloud computing will be less expensive. Still, each after a definite period according to the deal with the provider, you need to spend money for various purposes like renews, expansion, etc.

10. Negligible Control

In comparison to the traditional IT system, you have very little control over the cloud system. The owner of the cloud is the provider; thus, they will be monitoring and manage everything. The users will have minimal control over the applications. You can no wat customize other things like the upgradations of the firmware.

It is one of the advantages of cloud computing that all the things are done by the provider. One of the disadvantages of cloud computing is that you can’t own all control for the customization as per your desire.

Which One is More between Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing?

The pros and cons of cloud computing should be a prime thing to know before you set up any system for your enterprise or company. So far, I have discussed the most vital points. However, the advantages of cloud computing and the disadvantages of cloud computing are equal in number in this article. The unfavorable seems more in number if you want to select cloud computing.

But there are always better solutions and remedies against the disadvantages of cloud computing. According to my, if you are sincere, cloud computing is better because most of the disadvantages of cloud computing can be solved in the right way. However, the security and privacy of your data are essential. So, you should carefully select the appropriate system by analyzing all the pros and cons of cloud computing.

Summing Up the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is easy to implement and cost-effective, but it may not always remain cost-effective once applied because you have to add many things after an interval. However, you will still get the benefits of staying away from maintenance. The accessibility and sharing are straightforward, but you may have internal enemies and enemies made after someone has left your company. You have to be a perfect boss and change the security measures frequently.

You will get the advantage of unlimited storage, but the storage is not free of cost. Every time you want to increase the space, you have to pay, and you also have to pay after a specific time according to the offer. So these can be placed side by side, but you have to be master in the control. Otherwise, some new things will pop up and make cloud computing a troublesome one to you.

Final Verdict for Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Initially, the advantages of cloud computing may inspire you a lot, but the disadvantages may demoralize you. Generally, we expect that the benefits will be relatively more than difficulties. But here we see the number of disadvantages is equal. I think all the points discussed in the category may not apply to every person. Like, very little control over cloud computing might not be at all a matter of concern for some person or enterprise.

So, your situation and condition will tell you whether cloud computing is good or bad for you. But these are average thoughts that are generally common for all. You may have some brighter ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. If so, please share with us and allow us to enlighten ourselves with your brilliant knowledge. I hope this article has helped you a bit.

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